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En quoi consiste l'Option Internationale du Baccalauréat? Programme de Langue et Littérature Option Américaine


A total of twelve literary works will be studied for the examination, reflecting diversity in the ethnic background and gender of the authors.  Six literary works will be studied in common by all candidates.  The remaining works will be chosen freely by individual sections/schools.  Hamlet will be the text in-depth studied in common by all schools. The remaining two texts in-depth - one poetry and one fiction - will be chosen freely by each section/school.

1.   One Shakespeare Play – Hamlet **

2.     19th/20th/21st English-language prose fiction works (one of which should be American):

a)    The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison **
b)     The Color Purple, Alice Walker

3.     Two English-language plays (one of which should be American):

a)     A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams
b)     Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller

4.     Two English-language poets (one of which should be American):

a)    Eight poems by Emily Dickinson – I heard a fly buzz when I died; I felt a funeral in my brain; I taste a liquor never brewed; It was not death, for I stood up; After great pain, a formal feeling comes -; Because I could not stop for Death -; A narrow Fellow in the Grass; The Soul selects her own Society **

b)     Eight poems by Langston Hughes – Merry-go-round; I, Too; The Weary Blues; Theme for English B; Cultural Exchange; Life is Fine; Song for a Dark Girl; Madam and Her Madam

5.     World Literature

a)     Medea, Euripedes
b)     Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad
c)     Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi
d)     A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen  

      6. Two or more works of English-language non-fiction

a)      Letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King
b)     A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf

** Works studied in depth  

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